A powerhouse of goodness to keep your dog healthy and active.
Nettle has been used for hundreds of years to treat painful muscles and joints, eczema, arthritis and anemia.
Turmeric has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, it is a good herb to use on dogs with chronic inflammation, such as skin problems, arthritis and joint pain. Also helps digestive problems and is a good all round health tonic
Garlic: garlic is commonly fed to dogs due to its reputation for repelling fleas and ticks. The sulfur in the garlic is excreted through the dog’s skin, keeping fleas at bay. It also has antiseptic, antibiotic, anti-fungal, and antimicrobial properties.
Sprinkle herbs on food or make treats by adding honey or peanut butter
Weight of product- 50gm Shipping weight 180gm
3 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Immune support
Yogi is a 10y golden. He has been taking for 3 weeks..big improvement in his vitality. Very much liking this product.
Herbs for Pets Immune Support
My elderly dog couldn't get up the stairs anymore. I started giving her the Immune Herbs for Dogs and within a few days she was walking much better and going up the stairs slowly
Herbs for Pets Immune Support
I have been giving my older dog these herbs for about a year now and they have given him a new lease on life.